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We again met in the woods around some old ruins. I had made it clear to Jaro that this time I would pound him into submission. Instead of being afraid, he had become more cocky. His main response had been, "you wish", with a smirk on his face. I repeated to him that I was going to do everything I could to punish him into submission, no holds barred. I planned to make him beg me to stop pounding on him. My boasts didn't faze him one bit.

It had been nearly six weeks since we last met here and I had beat on him and his abs. This time, I had decided to punch the rest of his body, too, not just his brick wall abs. I had insisted that this time there would be no rules. I could do to him whatever I wanted for an hour. His only way out was submission. I had every intension of making him beg for release from the punishment I wanted to inflict on him and told him so. He just shrugged his shoulders and claimed I couldn't make him give up.

Jaro looked great today. There was no doubt about that. His abs seemed to be even thicker and deeper than before. The striations across his delts and pecs showed the hours he spent in the gym. His arms were powerful pythons. Instead of jeans, this time he was already stripped down to the black posing trunks that he seemed to prefer.

His body proclaiming its toughness, he stood before me with his hands behind his back and yelled, "Take your best shots!"

To emphasize his determination, he closed his eyes and arched his back to stick out his abs. I took a couple of quick steps and punched him in the midsection with all my body weight. I hit him so hard that he fell over backwards unexpectedly! I scrambled on top of him immediately. He smiled at me and said, "That felt good."

My two fists started pummelling his chest muscles repeatedly. He was trapped beneath me. The thick flesh absorbed the repeated blows. I think I must have punched him at least 20 times in just a few seconds and then I stood up. I looked at him closely, but I think all I did was knock the breath out of his lungs. He took several deep breaths and then smiled at me again. I jumped into his midsection and then two more times I jumped up! His thick abs flexed and absorbed my full weight.

No effect at all! I sat down and punched his chest again. But this time, I used slow and heavy punches, with my body weight behind them. I only punched his left pectoral muscle. After just three punches, it was obvious that these hard punches hurt a lot more. He moan quietly after every punch: "SPLAT .. MMMM".

The smile on his face was gone, replace by a determined look. After the tenth punch, I grabbed his left nipple and twisted it hard. "AAAAAAH", he yelled and tried to roll to the side. I tightened my grip and twisted even harder! "ARGH AAAHH"

After I released the hold, the pain slowly diminished. I gave him no rest. I punched his nipple repeatedly! He moaned with every blow. I had him swimming in a sea of pain. I grabbed both of his wrists to trap his hands and then I put my mouth to his nipple and both sucked on it and gently bit into the thick flesh behind it. Now Jaro started flailing his legs from the agony. Keeping my teeth deep in his pec muscle, I slowly pulled away from him. His yelling became one continuous cry of agony. I wanted to ask him to give up and make fun of him, but I had my mouth full. I kept pulling and he kept yelling in pain. Suddenly, he became quiet and a few seconds later he said, "You can't make me give up!"

I let his nipple slide through my teeth, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from him. I smiled at him and said, "Good! I don't want you to quit just yet!"

His left chest and nipple were red from my beating. I knew I had created a real weakpoint on him that I could exploit for the next hour.

But for now, I needed to break his newfound concentration. I raised him up to his feet by his hair. I picked him up in the middle and dropped him across my knee into a back breaker! He groaned slightly and arched across my knee. I picked him up again and dropped him into a second back breaker! He groaned louder than before! I shoved him off my knee and waited for him to get up by himself. He was slow.

To help him along, I slapped his face. Not hard, but enough to be aggravating. He was still down on the ground. Every few seconds, I slapped him in the face. He obviously didn't like that and started crawling away on all fours. But I was on my feet and caught up to him, yanked his head up by his hair and slapped him again. I didn't let go of his hair and he couldn't go away again. He raised himself up on his knees and knelt in front of me, holding his back from the pain. I yanked his head back so he could look me in the face and slapped him again, much harder this time! I wound up my arm for another slap and it was so hard that I knocked his hair out of my hand. His eyes actually rolled in their sockets from the impact!

I slapped his face again with all my strength. He almost fell over from his kneeling position, but at the last moment he caught himself and with a loud yell yanked himself to his feet. He wobbled unsteadily, but then stood still. I picked him up around his waist and dropped him into the hardest back breaker yet! He arched so far back that his head and his feet touched the ground at the same time. He groaned loud and long. I said, "Hey, tough guy, now the real torture begins."

With my left hand on his throat to keep him down, I used my right hand to pat his groin. I had done this during a previous encounter and I knew he hated it then. He still hated it now! Just the skimpy nylon briefs protected his manhood. I continued slapping my hand on his groin. His cock grew harder than it already was and it rose up in his posing trunks. I gently took hold of his cock and slid my fingers along it. As it got harder and longer, he yelled, "Stop it, stop it!"

I asked him if he wanted to give up, but he just shut up. I chopped the edge of my hand into his groin, immediately above his stiff cock. He gave off a loud "ARGH" with every chop into his groin. I knew I had to be causing pain to his sensitive organs!

"Come on, give it up, guy!" I taunted him. I continued to rain chops to the base of his cock, into the very lower abs. His cock was no longer stiff due to the excessive abuse he was taking. I pushed him off my knee and he curled up, clutching his groin.

I actually let him rest for about 5 minutes and he started uncurling and standing up.

I helped him up by pulling him up by his hair. I grabbed his throat and pushed him back into a tree. He watched me carefully for the first signs of a coming punch. I didn't disappoint him. I punch hard into his lower abs, right about his cock in the same place I had been chopping just a few minues ago. He was expecting it and absorbed the punch with just an exhaling of breath. I punched him again and again. Slow and deliberate. I made sure he saw every punch coming his way so his abs could mount their maximum defenses. I didn't want him to be surprised. He kept taking punch after brutal punch. His skin was beet red by now and the pain was taking its toll on him. His face was pale and the grimace showed the pain.

I stopped for a minute and spoke to him. "You know, you'll have to give up sooner or later. You can't take this for a full hour!" I was playing with his mind or at least trying to. He didn't smile back at me with one of his smirks, but he did say, "I am not giving up. Never."

I grabbed his left nipple and twisted it harder than at the beginning. He gave of a cry of pain and twisted away from me. I punched him hard into his back and he stumbled further away. I followed him and kept punching him in the back and spine and his sides. He stayed on his feets, slowly walking away from me in pain. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his head and neck. He remained standing despite my weight on him. With his oaken legs, I was not surprised that he could easily support my weight.

I clamped my arms tighter around his neck and he slowly settled down to one knee. I knelt behind him and kept his head trapped in my arms, but I knew I didn't have a complete choke hold on him. Still, it was slowing him down. He squirmed in my arms and twisted to the side, but I maintained the hold. I whispered in his ear, "Time to give up before you go to sleep." He raised his hand with the middle finger extended in the universal symbol of "fuck you."

His next action surprised the hell out of me. I felt his hand groping into my groin and the next thing I knew, he was stroking my cock! "Hey, stop it" I yelled and twisted his head and neck. He raised his other hand again with the middle finger extended, but continued to rub my groin. My cock was beginning to get hard and the rubbing was having more effect. Actually, it felt quite good.

I cinched down harder on the choke hold and he started to gag. He tried to grab my arms to release the hold, but I had too much time to put it on solidly. He twisted in my arms and the more he squirmed, the more he was able to dislodge the choke. He was finally able to turn sideways and breath better. His hand immediately went back to my groin and started rubbing it.

I reached down to his left nipple and gave it a hard twist. He grunted in pain and stopped rubbing me. I continued to pinch and twist his nipple, while I had my other arm around his neck. I could feel his body start to relax and he was taking deeper breaths. I wondered if my continued nipple torture was turning him on. To test it, I released his neck. He just continued kneeling next to me. His pecs were soft and full in their unflexed state. There was a lot of beef there to play with! I asked him, "Can you take more? Or do you want to give up yet?" Naturally, I was hoping he wouldn't give up.

He replied, "I told you I am never giving up. Come on, try to hurt me!"

I continued digging my fingers into his thick, soft pecs. I went way beyond just trying to play with his nipples now. I dug and squeezed and clawed with my hand. Again, he rubbed my groin, but harder now. Through my shorts he grabbed my cock and squeezed it! I was shocked at first. But I wanted to prove I was tough, too, so I didn't tell him to stop. Besides, it didn't feel that bad. My cock was getting rock hard and he had a solid grip on it. He said, "Now you know what it feels like, you asshole."

There we were, two guys abusing each other. He had a grip on my cock and I was mutilating his pecs. It was obvious he wasn't going to stop, so I let go of his pecs and put my hand on his cock exactly where he had his on mine. He was so shocked that he yelled, "AAAHHH" and let go of me. Yeah! I told him, "Now YOU know what it feels like! Again!" I pushed him back and sat on him. Time to get brutal with him!

I rolled him over on his stomach and sat on his back. I pulled back on his head and drapped his arms over each of my legs. Then I reached under his chin with my two hands, grasped them together, and pulled back in the classic camel clutch hold! The more I leaned back, the more his back arched. It had to hurt like hell. "Come on. Suffer. You just tell me when you want to give up and maybe I'll let go!" I taunted him.

He had no place to move. His arms were locked in place over my legs and his whole upper body was immobilized with pain.

"Give up now!", I told him. "It's about to get worse. You won't be able to give up in a minute!" I cranked on the pressure and he started groaning from the pain.

Then I did the totally unexpected. I slipped my two forefingers into his mouth. I fishhooked them into the corners and pulled back. Now instead of pulling back under his chin, I was pulling back on his mouth.

The groaning of pain became continuous and he tried to flail his legs in desperation. I pulled and pulled back! He was trying to scream through his abused mouth, but couldn't really do it. "You should have given up when you could," I shouted at him and continued cranking on the pressure. I don't know how long I held on to him that way, but he was nearly delirious from the pain and frustration! I am surprised he did not pass out, but he held on to consciousness.

Eventually, I just let go and his body convulsed on to the ground. I dropped a knee into his back. His head reared up in a scream. I dropped another knee and again he cried out. Now I rolled him onto his back.

He was flat on his back and in a lot of pain. Just the way I wanted him. Now was the time to blow his abs out! I knelt next to Jaro and started punching into his abs. Not hard, because I wanted to conserve my strength. POW, POW, POW, POW, ... one after another, my punches landed into his soft abs. He was too far out of it to flex them fully and I was penetrating into his body. POW, POW. After 20 or 30 blows, his abs had turned to mush. You could still see the beautiful development, but the bricks beneath my fists had turned to soft flesh. With every punch, he gave off a little cry.

After about 50 punches, I stopped to rest. His abs were a crimson red. He was trying to roll over onto his side, but didn't have the strength left. I mounted him, pinned his arms to the ground and got in his face. "Well, do you want to give up now, tough guy?" He just shook his head in denial. I reached behind me and drilled my thumb into his navel. I drilled and drilled and stirred it around inside of him. It was beautiful. You should have seen this muscle kid's brick abs fallen under my attack!

I still wanted to make him give up. I stood up and walked to the top of his head and knelt down by his head. "Time for more punishment," I told him. I needed him to be more helpless from the pain without passing out. I punched fists into his forehead. BAM, BAM, BAM. It was three punches before he reacted and tried to cover his head with his hands. I pushed his hands away and continued to punch his forehead. He kept trying to protect his head from my punches, but after a while he no longer had the will to do it. I stood up, nursing my hand. A skull is harder than a hand and now I had a sore hand.

I reached down to his left nipple and played with it some more. It was still sore and tender from all the earlier abuse. I grabbed it and twisted it. Then I pulled up on it, as if I was trying to lift him up by it. I used both hands around his nipple and lifted. I dug my finger nails into his flesh to get the best possible hold. I kept lifting up. Of course, I couldn't really lift him off the ground, but his pec muscle was really, really stretched! He started moaning very loud, "AAAHHHHH." I dropped back down and now put two hard claws into his left pec muscle. Those hurt like hell! I kept digging deeper and deeper, concentrating on the area around his left nipple. He was yelling from the pain now. I told him, "Give it up, give it up!" "Nooooooooooooo" was his response.

His body lay completely flat on the ground, exposed to me. I wanted a submission out of him today before time ran out. With no rules I could turn up the abuse. I kept one claw in his pec, but moved my other hand down to his groin, between his legs. I felt for his balls and stroked them with my fingers! "AAAH. Noooo. Stop it!" he yelled. "Give it up!" I commanded. "Do you want to give up?" I asked, as I continued to tickle his balls. "Yes, yes" he suddenly answered. I was so surprised, I asked, "Are you sure?" After a second of hesitation, he said, "No, I am not giving up!"

"Damn," I said. I continued to stroke his nuts, even though he was trying to protect them by pulling his legs together. Really, his balls couldn't go anywhere where I couldn't put my hand. I was really stirring the contents of his trunks, if you know what I mean. He actually started wimpering from the abuse! I knew he was ready for the next level! I stopped abusing him for a couple of minutes so he could regroup some.

I picked up his legs and rolled him over into a Boston Crab! I leaned back hard. His face and chest were flat on the ground. He back was arched back and his feet were sticking up into the air behind me. It was a brutal hold! He should have been able to push up with his arms to push me back and off, but he had no strength left. I cranked on the hold but he wouldn't give up. Dammit!

His groin was just inches from my hands. I reached my hand to his pouch and started gently massaging his family jewels! He let out a loud yelp of discomfort. I stirred his cock and balls around in his trunks. He was so trapped, he couldn't resist or avoid it. His package was being ever so gently abused and his cock started growing hard against his will. Jaro was now grunting continuously! I spoke over my shoulder and told him, "You have to give up now!" I gently massaged his organs in his trunks for another minute.

Suddenly, he said, "Stop. I give up." I stopped messing with his jewels. I found I didn't really want him to give up. I asked him, "Are you sure?" and he replied, "Yes, yes, yes." I told him, "Say you 'quit'. I want to hear it loud." He was silent. I said, "You have to say you quit and you have to beg me to stop." He remained silent. I started playing with his jewels again to drive home the point. He let out a yelp of pain again. "Come on, say you quit!" Again he didn't reply. I could feel his body try to push me off, but it didn't work. I concentrate on playing more with his balls. He had to be in a whole lot of pain and frustration! I could hear him wimpering again, but he wouldn't say anything. Through the thin nylon of his posing trunks, I had his balls in my hand. I didn't squeeze them, but played them through my fingers. "Come on, guy, talk to me. How are you feeling. Ready to give up? Ready to beg?"

His reply was just "Fuck you!" In reply, I renewed leaning back to increase the pressure on his back. He choked back a cry so I knew he felt it. I grabbed his cock and massaged it. He was in so much pain, it wouldn't go stiff like before. Bummer.

Next, I placed my hand over his entire package and held it there tightly. Not squeezing his balls, but definitely putting the pressure on the entire set of organs. He started grunting loudly again. I told him, "You better give up now before it gets worse!"

I slowly release the Boston Crab hold, but held onto his male package. He gave off a huge sigh of relief at getting out of that painful hold. He was now laying flat on the ground on his stomach, with my hand cupping his entire groin. I placed my knee in his lower back and held his jewels tight. 'Oh yeah,' I thought. He's gotta give up now.

Well, he didn't beg or anything, but again he was in such a bad position that he couldn't move. I slowly shifted the position of my hand back and forth to cause maximum discomfort. His hands covered his head in agony and his legs flailed up and down, but to no avail. Suddenly, my watch beeped, signifying the end of hour. 'SHIT,' I thought. Still, out of plain meanness, I held on to his groin. "Ah, man, let go. Time is up!" he yelled. I replied, "So what? You told me you could take anything!" I stepped on his butt and stood there. "Ah shit," he said.

I reached down and grabbed his hair and pulled back. His back was now arched way back again. He started cussing up a storm. I was waiting for him to beg me to stop, but he didn't. I precariously balanced myself on his butt and stuck my two forefingers into his mouth. Again, I had fishhooked his mouth and was pulling back! Now he couldn't talk anymore, but he sure yelled and grunted through his abused mouth. I pulled back as hard as I could. His whole upper body and arms were up in the air now! I hoped I was grinding his groin into the ground, too, just for good measure.

I held on for a couple of minutes, with him struggling and screaming continuously! I loved it and he hated it. "Enough," I thought and released him. His body and face flopped on to the ground. I sat on his back and whispered to him, "Time to give up!" I punched his side, left, right, left, right, ... He groaned in pain from the additional punishment to his upper body. Then I fishhooked his mouth again and pulled briefly. He wimpered in pain. I released him and again told him to give up. When he didn't respond, I fishhooked him again and pulled back. He was trying to talk through his mouth so I released him. "Yes, yes, I give up. I quit! Please stop. No more, I give up," he pleaded.

"YES!" I yelled and got off him. He collapsed back to the ground.

It was some time before he was able to sit up and recover. He was aching all over from the beating he took, but he was very proud that he could take it for a full hour and he didn't submit until time was up. I congratulated him very much and commended him on his toughness.
